About SBA

Quick facts about us

SBA (Sander Brouwer Automatisering) was established on March 4th 2005. The company specializes in IT and business process automation.

We support various organizations with Remote Support, Customer Specific Web-Applications, Hosting, E-mail services, Websites, VPN-solutions, Cloud Computing and VoIP. We also provide a number of products: Workstations, Laptops, Servers, Networking equipment, Domains and more customer-oriented solutions. If something is technically possible, we make it possible!

If the proven services do not offer the direct solution, we involve our partners and try to give our customers the best support and guidance. There is an open communication about risks, safety and prices. In short, we have no unknown margins, it’s all simply direct and clear.

General information

CoC-number 70778825
VAT-number NL8584.55.948.B01
Bank account number 1606.41.985 (Rabobank of Eindhoven under the name of SBA)
TRAC-number 4-15-495-9763-37 (for more information click here)
ACM-number 943807